2012 8 Color 215 million Size 74 x 106 cm Perfecting 4/4 – 8/0 FAPC (full automatic plate change) DriveTronic SPC- Simultaneous Plate Change Drive Tronic Plate Ident FJC – Flying Job Change Installation ink unit temperature control QualiTronic ColorControl CleanTronic Synchro – washing device KBA- measuring strips Grafix powder "Megatronic" powder suction Technotrans cooling device "Beta.c" DensiTronic professional. measuring table Live image monitor CIPLink X Software KBA PressSupport 24Sheefed Thin paper package 40 g Non stop feeder delivery Sensoric Infeed System – SIS Intercom system between feeder and delivery In production Available: immediately Location: Germany
size 59 x 74 cm Perfecting 8/0 - 4/4 Color-Pilot-Plus ink control system AIR Center (Rietschle) Technotrans temperation Technotrans combi cooling device with external condensator washing device for printing cylinder Quickstart Low Coverage stabilisation Powder (Hitronic) Inline Observer Optiprint Jackets preparation for colour temperation Non Stop semiautomat delivery Still in operation: YesAvailable: sofort
Format: 59 x 74 cm<br>Perfection 8/0 - 4/4 Color Pilot Plus Ink Control AIR Center (Rietschle) Technotrans temperation Technotrans Combi cooling device with external capacitor Washing machine device for pressure cylinders Quickstart Low Cover Stabilization Powder (Hitronic) Inline Observer Optiprint Jacket Preparation Color temperation Non-Stop Semiautomat Delivery<><br>Still in operation: Yes<br>Verf Gbar: Immediately
<br><br><br><br>Available: immediately
Printing machine MAN Roland 308 4/4 8/0 Not all inking units are in order. Built in 1999 145 million Art.Nr. PS5915
Size 53 x 74 cm, CP 2000, Alcolor vario dampening, Technotrans Combistar Beta C, Autoplate, Blanket wash, Roller wash, Impression cylinder wash, Heidelberg Alphatronic 200 powderspray, Perfecting 4-4 or 8-0 Installed in our warehouse, cleaned and checked
18,000s/h speed, Wallscreen, Autoplate XL, InpressControl 2, Preset Plus feeder, Hycolor, CombiStar Can water-cooled, Airstar Pro water-cooled, Staticstar Compact, Drystar CAN IR/hot air dryer water-cooled, Cleanstar
8 up thermal CTP Manufacturer: Screen Model: 8600 (AGFA Avalon N8 24) year: 2015 with Singel Autoloader with AGFA Azura 125 without Apogee-System and Server drum is defect further details on request Price: on request
Heidelberg XL 105-8-P, Year of man.: 2011, The machine has been equipped to AMS LED UV lamp, DryStar LED UV, Impr.: 159 mil., Perfecting: 8/0 -4/4, Wallscreen, Prinect Press Center, Prinect Inpress Control, AutoPlate XL - simultaneous plate changing, PPF Preset Plus feeder, PPD Preset Plus Delivery, Non-Stop feeder, Alcolor, CombiStar, Program-controlled washup device, Ultrasonic double sheet detector, Antistatic device, feeder and delivery Compact, Perfect Jackets, Delivery (normal X0), Powder WEKO AP 500 Duo, CleanStar, AirStar Pro, Air cooled, Max speed – 18.000 s/h