Qty. 1 second-hand filter MFC.: Padovan model: Victoria 36 round vertical sieves Flitration area: 4.2 m ² Capacity: OSTEO. 35 50 hl / h new pump!
Manufacturer: Pall Model: Sfg Type: SFG7314GF100 Number of candles: 31 x 30" or 40" (code 07) Enclosure contents: 291 ltr. Material: Stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Pressure: 0 - 10 bar Temperature: 0 - 140° C Built: Ultimate purpose: 1989 Brewery / Beer Candles hanging, approx. space requirement BXTXH, 600 x 600 x 1,870 mm
Schenk filter housing 8-fold type 8/3 incl. candles Year of construction: 1983
Qty. 1 Second-hand filtration line Mfc.: Schenk, Anton Paar, Alafa Laval, Gross, Niwa, Pro-Wam Built: 1992 – 2014 Capacity: 250 hl/h