Manufacturer: APV Gaulin Type: MC30 Capacity: 12.000 l/h Pressure: 210 bar Condition : Fully refurbished in 2018 in very good condition includes control panel with soft starter
APV Homogenizer LAB 100 Ball valves Technical data see also pictures: Type: 100-6 TBS Capacity: 100 LTR. / h Engine: 2.2 KW
This APV Schröder Gaulin MC45 homogeniser is a 3-cylinder machine which is designed for 12.000 liter per hour with a maximum pressure of 280 bar. The homogensier is equipped with 2-stages with poppet valve cylinder. Electric pressure transmitter (IFM) on the stages. Overpressure valve on the block. Piston diameter: 60 mm. Motor: 110 kW - 380 V - 201 Amp - 50 Hz - 1482 rpm. Forced cooling on the motor for running at low capacity. Oil pumping system inside the machine. Stainless steel cladded., Additional features:, Excluding:, - Feetplates, General application:, High pressure homogenizers are used to break up the fat globules contained in the milk under high pressure and thus distribute them evenly in the milk. The fat droplets are crushed by forcing the milk through fine nozzles under high pressure. This process prevents a layer of cream from forming on the milk., Type of Machine: Homog ...
Make : Benhil Model : Microfix 8471 Capacity: 1400 kg/hr Block Loader : Pressure inserter Condition : Very Good Electricals : New Rewiring
1 unbr. Homogenizer type HG 125 Homogenizer in horizontal design with direct drive by three-phase motor with height-level base frame. Standard version suitable for maximum system pressure up to 10 bar and product temperature up to max. 150°C. Technical data: Drive power: 18.5 KW three-phase motor Operating voltage: 400 V, 50 Hz, 3 phases Protection: IP 55 Speed: 3000 rpm Material of the product-contacting parts: 316 L (1.4404/1.4435) Shaft sealing: single-acting GLRD Side seals: Viton Connections: Suction side DN 80 DIN 11851 Printing page DN 65 DIN 11851 Throughput and Conveying pressure at water similar products: approx. 25 m3/h or 3 bar with star-triangle circuit in plastic housing without pre-locking with cable and plug
Gaulin, Homogenizer model MC18 3TPSX. stainless steel clad, 2 stage hydraulic valve assembly, 54mm pistons, Tungsten Carbide coated. aseptic cilinderblock, puppet valves.. Remote controlled homogenisation pressure ajustment and and read-out. Capacity 6000 l/h, 210 bar Maintenance history available. Spare parts available. Excellent working condition,
Gaulin MC7 high pressure homogenizer, single stage. Capacity 4000 l/hr, 200 bar. 30kW electric motor. Piston diameter 43.44mm. very good condition.
Gaulin MC7-5TBSX (476MC7-5TBSX) Capacity 1800 l/h, 350 bar Gaulin, Homogenizer model MC18 3TPSX. stainless steel clad, 2 stage manually operated valve assembly, 31.75mm pistons, hard chrome. aseptic cilinderblock, ball valves.. Maintenance history available. Spare parts available. Excellent working condition,
Qty. 1 Second-hand mixer homogeniser Can be used in the cosmetic and food industries. Production of creams, ointments, gels, mayonnaise, ketchup etc. Mfc.: Kates Polska Built: 2015 Type: 3MO.5 Volume capacity: 500 L Mixing speed: 1150 RPM Max. temp.: 130 °C Material: Stainless Steel