재고 번호: L0931-06 사용 된 대포 유형 GCI / 450 l / MI 약 450 l 작업 용량 및 638 l 총 용량 수직 흰색 유리 라이닝 반응기. 내부 약 902 mm 직경 x 665 mm 직경 직선. 빡땜 된 상단과 용접 된 바닥 헤드를 고정했습니다. 내부 정격 완전 진공 / -10 /+ 230 C에서 2.76 bar 설계 압력. 탄소강 재킷 85 l 용량 정격 5.17 / 4.17 bar 설계 압력 -10 / + 230 C. 하이 필드 기어 크기 5 기어 박스 정격 31/3 감속비 및 기계적 씰을 통해 1.5 kW 415 V, 3/50, 1420 rpm 모터로 구동되는 3 블레이드 리트리트 커브 교반기 벨트를 포함합니다.
There are one CANNON A System 100 Pro and one CANNON A-10 System Servo available, year of construction machine 1/ 2: 1995/ 2002, including documentation.
The Cannon PF 171506 sheet thermoforming machine is a 2005 machine that uses twin-sheet technology to produce plastic objects with high productivity and molding precision. The working field of the machine is 1650 x 1500 xh 600 mm, which makes it ideal for producing large objects. The machine is equipped with two ovens, one lower and one upper, which allow to heat the plastic plates and to shape them according to the desired shapes. Furthermore, the thermoforming machine is equipped with two automatic loaders, which simplify and speed up the raw material feeding process. The Cannon PF 171506 thermoforming machine is also equipped with 5 fans for cooling the molding, which guarantee perfect solidification of the plastic material and therefore greater molding precision. The overall footprint of the machine is 13 meters long by 5 meters wide, which requires adequate space for instal ...