벨트 폭 400mm 모든 스테인레스 스틸 속도 조절 가능 하부 및 상부 벨트 포함 조절 가능한 상부 벨트 아웃피드 벨트 포함 휴대폰 크기 (패 x 폭 x 높이) : ± 2.200 x 800 x 1.200 mm
표준 부스러기에 적합 모든 스테인레스 스틸 벨트 폭 400 mm 공기 칼로 2,4 킬로와트 조정 가능한 속도 휴대폰 아웃피드 벨트 포함 크기 (l x w x h) : ± 2.250 x 950 x 2.300 mm
제품 번호: 2570 유형: ASP400HDI 일련 번호: 24908215 건축 년도 : 2004 벨트 폭: 400mm 압축 공기: 6 - 8 바 전원 : 3 x 400V, 50Hz, 2.2kW 크기 : 2300 x 750 x 1500 mm
제품 번호: 2853 유형: ADT600NH 일련 번호: 03604218 건축 년도: 2007 벨트 폭: 600mm 전원 : 3 x 400V, 50Hz, 1.1kW 크기 : 2800 x 1200 x 1350 mm 무게: 450kg
제품 번호: 2839 유형: ASP600 일련 번호: 08605204 건축 년도: 1993 벨트 폭: 600mm 전원 : 3 x 380V, 50Hz, 0.5kW 크기 : 2200 x 1050 x 1800 mm
제품 번호: 2676 유형 : ATG700 / 1600 일련 번호: 11204214 건축 년도: 2003 벨트 폭: 700mm 길이: 1450 mm, 1800 mm까지 확장 가능 힘: 3 x 400V, 50Hz, 0.18kW 크기 : 1450 x 1000 x 1200 mm 무게: 175 kg
제품 번호: 2351J 유형: ATG1200/2500 일련 번호: 03422230 건설 연도: 2020 벨트 폭 : 1000mm 길이: 3400 mm 전력: 3 x 400V, 50Hz, 0.5kW 크기: 3400 x 1600 x 1200 mm 무게 : 325 kg 600mm 수동 개폐식 인피드 피스
Refrigeration Compressor, Chiller, Refrigeration Compressor, Refrigeration Unit, Refrigeration Compressor, Compressor, Filter Dryer Housing, Filter Dryer, Compressor Protector -Manufacturer: Alco, Compressor Protector, unused original packaging -Type: ASD 35S5-VV -Pressure: up to 500 PSIG / 31 bar -Dimensions: Ø 93 x 180 mm -Weight: 1 kg
Refrigeration compressor, chiller, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration unit, refrigeration compressor, compressor, filter drier housing, filter drier -Manufacturer: Alco, filter dryer -Type: ADK-305 -Pressure: up to 31 bar -Content: 0.73 liters -Dimensions: Ø 80 x 265 mm -Weight: 1.4 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, thermo-expansion valve, indicator sight glass -Manufacturer: Alco, indicator sight glass, unused original packaging -Type: AMI-2 S 11 PCN 805704 -Connections: 1 3/8 /35 mm -Dimension package: 130/55/H40 mm -Weight: 0.2 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, thermo-expansion valve, indicator sight glass -Manufacturer: Alco, indicator sight glass, unused original packaging -Type: AMI-1 FM 3 PCN 805711 -Connections: 3/8 /10 mm -Dimension package: 130/55/H40 mm -Weight: 0.3 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, thermo-expansion valve, Moisture-Liquid Indicator -Manufacturer: Alco, Moisture-Liquid Indicator, unused original packaging -Type: AMI-1 MM 3/PCN 805707 -Connections: 3/8 /10 mm -Price: per piece -Number: 3 piece -Dimension package: 130/55/H40 mm -Weight: 0.3 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, thermo-expansion valve, Moisture-Liquid Indicator -Manufacturer: Alco, Moisture-Liquid Indicator, unused original packaging -Type: AMI-1TT3 (m)/PCN 805698 -Price: per piece -Number: 2 piece -Dimension package: 210/50/H45 mm -Weight: 0.2 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter drier housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, angle flange, valve flange -Manufacturer: Alco, filter drier, unused original packaging -Type: ADK-084/PCN 003610 -Connection: 12 mm flange -Dimensions package: 175/70/H70 mm -Weight: 0.6 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter drier housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, angle flange, valve flange -Manufacturer: Alco Emerson, filter drier, unused original packaging -Type: ADK-164/PCN 003617 -Connection: 12 mm flange -Dimensions package: 215/70/H75 mm -Weight: 0.7 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, thermal expansion valve -Manufacturer: Alco, thermal expansion valve, unused in original packaging -Type: TIE-MW 55/PCN 802456 -Price per piece -Number: 2 piece -Dimension package: 105/80/H70 mm -Weight: 0.4 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, solenoid valve -Manufacturer: Alco, solenoid valve for refrigeration, unused original packaging -Type: 200 RB 4 T 3 (m)/PCN 801 176 -Connections: 10 mm ODF -Dimensions package: 140/100/H50 mm -Weight: 0.3 kg
Line regulating valve, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve -Manufacturer: Alco, ball shut-off valve, unused in original packaging -Type: BVA 058/PCN 805 779 -Connection: 16 mm -Price: per piece -Number: 2 piece -Dimension box: 220/80/H80 mm -Weight: 0.5 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, cooling compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter drier housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve, angle flange, valve flange -Manufacturer: Alco, thermo-valve lower part unused in original packaging -Type: C 501-7 mm/PCN 803235 -Price: per piece -Number: 10 Stück -Dimensions package: 105/80/H70 mm -Weight: 0.3 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration unit, cooling compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve, temperature switch, thermostat, expansion valve -Manufacturer: Alco, thermo-valve upper part unused in original packaging -Type: XB 1019 MW55-1B/PCN 803379 -Operating range: +10 to -30 °C -Price: per piece -Number: 7 piece -Dimensions package: 120/120/H160 mm -Weight: 0.7 kg/piece
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration unit, refrigeration compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing -Manufacturer: Alco, filter drier housing unused in original packaging -Type: ADKS-PLUS 969-T/PCN 883556 -Max. Operating pressure: 34.5 bar -Connection: 1-1/8 -Dimension package: 330/200/H160 mm -Weight: 4.1 kg
Refrigeration compressor, refrigeration machine, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration unit, refrigeration compressor, compressor, filter dryer housing -Manufacturer: Alco, filter drier housing unused in original packaging -Type: ADKS-PLUS 969-T/PCN 883556 -Max. Operating pressure: 34.5 bar -Connection: 1-1/8 -Dimension package: 480/210/H160 mm -Weight: 5.1 kg
Balancing valve, shut-off valve, ball shut-off valve -Manufacturer: Alco, ball shut-off valve, unused in original packaging -Type: BVA M28/PCN 805 793 -Connection: 28 mm -Price: per piece -Number: 4 piece -Dimension package: 255/90/H90 mm -Weight: 1.1 kg/piece
Alco 이동식 운반 벨트, 유형: ATB700/2234, 일련 번호: 12703215, 건축 연도: 2004, 400 V, s/s 메쉬 벨트, 벨트 폭: 695 mm, 총 치수: 2800 mm x 950 mm x 1120 mm.