Aeromatic 모델 Stre-30 G-W101로 만든 스테인리스 스틸 배치 유동층 건조기를 사용했습니다. 새로운 1978. 스위스 생산 Wirbelschicht - Trockenungsaniage - 150 리터의 물 증발 용량 / 시간. - 샤워실 - 열교환기 - 송풍기 - 완충 탱크가 있습니다 - 제어판 - 채널은 필터입니다. - 탱크 2대 교체 가능 - 약국 근무(제품 불명) - 백 필터, CO 채널 - 이리저리 뛰어다니지 않고 제거되었습니다. 년 - 완전한 문서 및 회로도 - 크기: 수 90cm, 길이 170cm, 전체 크기 약 3m 높이. 약 170cm
General SKU300U586 LocationBarneveld MakeAeromatic-Fielder TypeGP SP 1 Mach.No.02313 Pressure Working pressure jacket2 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Specified Features - Universal mixer MaterialStainless steel 1.4306 (304L) Universal mixercheck Capacity3-7,5-10Ltr. With covercheck Inletdia. 15 mm Pneumatic operated outletcheck With jacketcheck Max. temperature0-85°C With motorcheck 3,0kW With variable speed drivecheck Rotor speed2-1500rpm With lump breakercheck 0,3kW With motorcheck Rotor speed1000-3000rpm Information Year of construction2002 Mounted on wheelscheck With switchcheck With switchgearcheck Floorspace1,2x0,8 m Total height1,5 m Weight600 kg ATEX compatiblecheck Extra SpecificationsThis very comprehensive general process unit has many additional components, including multiple pans and stirrers. This unit features a microwave func ...
General SKU324U772 LocationBarneveld MakeAeromatic-Fielder TypeGP150 Mach.No.8492 Pressure Working pressure jacket2 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume150 Ltr. Motor15 KW Specified Features - Universal mixer Universal mixercheck CapacityNetto 150Ltr. ( Bruto 265Ltr.) Vessel sizesDia:750x650mm With covercheck InletDia:50mm, 25mm Pneumatic operated outletcheck Outlet155x135mm Max. temperature15-30°C With jacketcheck With motor15kW, 400/690Volt, 1465rpm With variable speed drivecheck Rotor speed0-270rpm With lump breakercheck With motor4.0kW, 400Volt, 925-2890rpm Rotor speed1000-3000 With timercheck MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316), Stainless steel 1.4435 (316L) Information Year of construction1997 Mounted on framecheck With switchcheck With switchgearcheck(as is) Floorspace2,88mx1,51m Total height2,85m Weight± 3500kg ATEX compatible ...
General SKU021B076 LocationBarneveld MakeAeromatic TypeS-4 No.889095 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume210 Ltr. Specified Features - Fluid bed dryer batch Fluidbeddryer(1x) Granulatorcheck With pancheck Capacity210,0 Ltr Pan sizesdia. 900x890mm Capacity20-150 KG With sprayercheck With pumpmake Watson Marlow Can be heated by steam(65 KW) With fanmake Meidinger, type HA-180/M3-710 Capacity0,6 M3/Sec Motor10,0 KW, 380/660 Volt (Ex) MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316) Information With switchgearcheck Total height+/- 10 Mtr ATEX compatiblecheckFluid bed dryers batchAeromaticDryers > Fluid bed dryers batchBrand > Aeromatic What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please v ...