x-travel: 2.000 mmy-travel: 1.200 mmz-travel: 760 mmControl: SIEMENS 810D table-size: 2.200 x 1.100 mmtable weight: 3.500 Kgdistance between columns: 1.300 mmtool adaptor: BT 50 rapid traverse X-axis: 15.000 m/minrapid traverse: x,y 12.000 m/minnumber of spindle speeds: 5.000 U/min/rpmengine output: 37 kWTools changer: tool magazin:: 30 Internal cooling system: 20 barcoolant tank: 1000 lhandwheel: Chip coveyor: total power requirement: 40 kWweight of the machine ca.: 16.000 kgThe data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
x-travel: 8.000 mmy-travel: 3.800 mmz-travel: 2.100 mmControl: HEIDENHAIN iTNC-530 table-size: 8.500 x 2.500 mmdistance between columns: 3.100 mmrapid travel x/y/z: 15/12.000 mm/minfeed: 5.000 m/minmilling head: Automatisch Drehung 4/5 number of spindle speeds: 4.000 U/min/rpmspindle drive: 37 kWtransmission ratio: 2 Stufentable weight: 35.000 Kgdistance spindle /table: 500-1.750 mmrapid travel x/y/z: 10.000/12.000 mm/minfeeds:: 7.000 mm/mindimensions of the machine ca.: 19.370 x 5.850 x 5.970 mmtool change unit: 30 pos.weight of the machine ca.: 93 t- 5 AXIS BRIDGE TYPE MILLING MACHINESMax height table to underside bridge 2.100 mmMin/max distance table to spindle 500-1.750 mmRapid Feed (X Axis) 10.000 mm/minRapid Feed (Y,Z Axis) 12.000 mm/minMax. Working Feed 7.000 mm/minAutomatic head C5 E INCLUDEDB-Axis head swivel ± 190ºC Axis head rotation ± 360ºSpindle ...
x-travel: 5000 mmy-travel: 3100 mmz-travel: 1200 mmControl: FIDIA C20 table-size: 5000x2000 mmT-slots: 11 T-slot - width: 22 mmtable weight: 30000 Kgdistance between columns: 2800 mmfeed:: x-20000 mm/minfeed: y,z-30000 mm/minspindle rate: 6000 rpm: 32 kWtaper ISO: ISO 50 Tools changer: 30 fach/toolsinternal coolant system feed: 20 barhandwheel: weight of the machine ca.: 65 tdimensions of the machine ca.: 15.100x6.200x6.250 mm-Automatic head UAD II-Tool clamping Hydraulic-Head 2 – Vertical mandril INCLUDED-2 longitudinal chip conveyors-1 cross chip conveyor-Laser tool presetterThe data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
x-travel: 4.500 mmy-travel: 1.800 mmz-travel: 1.200 mmControl: HEIDENHAIN ITNC - 530 handwheel: HEIDENHAIN 520 milling head -swivable +/-: 2,5 X 2,5 °Internal cooling system: 20 barcoolant: 1.000 Ltool change unit: 40 pos.Chip coveyor: 2 St. Tool adapter: ISO 50 Control: total power requirement: kWweight of the machine ca.: tdimensions of the machine ca.: mThe data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
max. workpiece diameter: 500 mmthreading length: 1250 mmmax. module: 12 min. module: 0,5 total power requirement: 8 kWweight of the machine ca.: 4,5 tThe data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
x-travel: 3.400 mmy-travel: 1.250 mmz-travel: 2.000 mmControl: TNC-430PA table-size: 4.700 X 1.200 mmV- travel: 500 tool taper: ISO 50 milling head -swivable: 0.001º/0.001º Gradmain drive: 37 kWChip coveyor: inkl handwheel: HR-410 Tools changer: 60 pos.milling head: Automatic Head 45º weight of the machine ca.: 35 t- Automatic Head 45º INCLUDED- Automatic Head 45º 0.001º/0.001º- Head 45º Max. Speed 3.000 rpm- 45º Head Taper ISO-50- Twist Head Contiuous INCLUDED- Twist Head Max Speed 3.000 rpm- Twist Head Taper ISO-50- Ram with Quill - Quill Diameter 150 mm.- Quill Taper ISO-50- Pick up station AITEK for 45º and Twist Heads- Rotary Table ZEATZ Ø 1200 INCLUDED- RENISHAW MP 16+SP2/1The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
x-travel: 5.000 mmy-travel: 3.750 mmz-travel: 1.250 mmControl: iTNC-530 HSCI table-size: 5.200 x 2.200 mmdistance between columns: 3.000 mmfeeds: 50.000 mmfeeds: 30.000 mm/minmilling head: 0.001º/0.001º tool taper: DIN 69871 AD 50 number of spindle speeds: 6.000 U/min/rpmtransmission ratio: 3 spindle drive: 43 kWtool change unit: 20 - fach ( Vertikal) Internal cooling system: 20 barChip coveyor: 2 handwheel: HEIDENHAIN HR-520 total power requirement: 122,89 kVAweight of the machine ca.: 33 tMeasuring system: M&H PS 20.41 Headstocks:Universal Auto Indexing Head 45º 0.001º/0.001ºTaper DIN 69871 AD 50Spud ISO 7388-2 B 50Spindle speed 6.000 rpmSpeed ranges 3Main spindle power 43 kWDirect output head reduction 1:2,29 INCLUDEDTaper DIN 69871 AD 50Spud ISO 7388-2 B 50Spindle speed 2.000 rpmAutomatic support for automatic head change (direct exit head) in the u ...