Mono-plate system Material:PE, PP, PS, ABS. Built: 1985, last modification: 2003 Screw diameter: 100 mm, L/D 36 Extruder with degassing, vacuum pump, melt pump, hydr. Screen changer, nozzle 1350 x 1.0 - 6.0 mm, 3 rolls smoothing unit 1350 x x 350 mm with single drives, 3 temperature control units for roller temperature control, cooling section, side cut, printwith 2 rubber rollers, top and bottom protective foil lamination, cross saw 1,350 mm, switch cabinets with air conditioning, separate control panel
Cast Film CoEx System (ABA), PE / PP, Capacity: approx. 400 - 700 kg/h, Main extruder, 120 mm, co-extruder of 60 mm, screen changer, melt pump, Co-Ex block, nozzle 1,650 mm, 2-roll chill-roll smoothing unit, cooling section, extractor, double winder with cutting device and edge control, edge trim, film measuring device thickness NDC (without measuring head), incl. operating instructions and e-plans.
olienherstellung =: PVC shrink and PET Line speed: 80 meters/min Final net film width: 4.2 meters Line speed: 80 meters/min Production capacity: 21 tons/day The machine includes: -Automatic turnstile unwinder 2 meters -Automatic turnstile -Winder 4.50 meters -Cooling system -automatic thickness control -automatic control of infrared heating -Automatic inline edge strip handling system -TCU -Controller fan -Cooling tower -Exhaust pipes -Exhaust hood -16 steel core width 4.8 meters -Complete spare parts (package purchased for 280.000 €) Dimensions approx. length 50 m x width 19.0 m x height 5.9 m
A fully equipped line for the production of polypropylene yarn type Technorope 1000/100/PP-300: Manufacturer: Sima Srl Useful width of the cutting head: 1000 mm Capacity: up to 300 kg/h, depending on the type of yarn Twister: 16 (with 16 batteries) Yarn types: from 5000 to 120 000 denies